
Exclusive tree and shrub branches

Artificial tree and shrub branches of high quality. The leaves and inflorescences on very natural-looking branches can be used to make your own tree decorations or as an addition to flower compositions.

Tree branch F016L

Size: 1.3 m

Category: Leafless tree and shrub branches

Stock: In stock

Old price: £ 3.99 per pcs
Retail price £ 2.79 per pcs
+ 20% VAT

Packing: package (2 pcs)

Cedar F112L

Size: 64 cm

Category: Leafless tree and shrub branches

Stock: Low inventory

Old price: £ 2.49 per pcs
Retail price £ 2.42 per pcs
+ 20% VAT

Packing: package (2 pcs)

Tree branch F035L

Size: 1.25 m

Category: Tree Branches

Stock: Low inventory

Old price: £ 7.90 per pcs
Retail price £ 4.80 per pcs
+ 20% VAT

Packing: package (2 pcs)