Artificial Dried Plants

Dried plants have their unique charm. They can be used in Home Décor, Office Décor and during Events. Not every plant can be dried and those that can - are often damaged by their fragile nature. Why not to go for real looking artificial dried plants instead? Their biggest advantage is that if properly displayed and stored they can last almost forever. These plants - unlike natural dried plants - can be vacuumed and some can be wiped with a damp cloth.

Bouquet with thistle QA325

Cork Rose G414L

Cork Sunflower L785L

Cork Peony L786L

Cork magnolia L788L

Thistle A770

Setaria A769

A sprig of hawthorn with fruit A771

Autumn reed A762YK

Multi-flower bouquet with hydrangea QA322K

Bouquet with phloxes and decorative leaves QA326

Bouquet with a rose and daisy QA329K