
Exclusive flowers

Flowers and plants in this category are dedicated to customers looking for high-quality artificial plants with a very natural appearance.

Bouquet with a rose and daisy QA329K

Multi-flower bouquet with hydrangea QA322K

Rubberized rose G492

Bouquet with a rose and daisy QA329

Bouquet with phloxes and decorative leaves QA326

Bouquet of grass plants QA324

Multi-flower bouquet with hydrangea QA322

Rose in bud x 14 Q958K

Orchid L638L

Cedar F112L

Orchid L495L

Aloe vera - Succulent Z191L

Crassula - Succulent Z190L

Echeveria - Succulent Z186L

Ornamental cabbage - succulent Z183L

Crassula - Succulent Z098L

Aloe vera - Succulent Z097L

Bamboo twig A639L

Begonia Z091LT

Begonia Z091LG