All-year products

Artificial Flower Stems

An extensive selection of all-year decorative items, including artificial and dried flowers and plants, as well as florist decorations and accessories, water fountains, and more.

Rose, velvet L113

Lily x 3 L010L

Pincushion Protea A648

Poppy L906

Velvet rosebud G352

Carnation G392

Onion flower A274K

Satin gladiolus G190K

Satin orchid L728

Wild rose x 3 L794

Velvet rose G410

Satin gladiolus L090K

Gladiolus satin G190

Orchid L160

Magnolia L762L

Orchid L767L

Hydrangea L857

Rose, velvet G045

Orchid G262

Poppy/Cornflower/Daisy G358