Autumn products

Artificial Chrysanthemum Bouquets

An extensive selection of flowers and plants in autumn colours, including flowers stems, bouquets, leaves, and tree boughs. Flowers and accessories perfect for creating beautiful autumn compositions, decorations, and trees with autumn leaves.

Chrysanthemum bouquet QA354

Size: 40 cm

Category: Chrysanthemums

Stock: In stock

Retail price £ 4.59 per pcs
+ 20% VAT

Packing: package (4 pcs)

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Chrysanthemum x 7 QA354K

Size: 40 cm

Category: Chrysanthemums

Stock: In stock

Retail price £ 4.75 per pcs
+ 20% VAT

Packing: piece

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Chrysanthemum QA359

Size: 36 cm

Category: Chrysanthemums

Stock: Low inventory

Retail price £ 3.24 per pcs
+ 20% VAT

Packing: package (4 pcs)

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